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I thank all my friends (mastergomaster, poterpoenya, rizky2009, taekwondo indonesia) who have a link exchange willing to share a backlink to my blog. All the names of these blogs can you see here. And on this occasion I will share all the awards I've received it to my friends blog. For the name of your blog that is not listed, I invite to take these awards too ;
1. Tutorial Web | Tips & Trik Blog | Free Blogger Template 2. Facebooker 3. celebes city 4. Monster Ilmiah 5. Cahyaning Ati 6. Free Blogger Templates™ 7. sreenivas 8. adinmarscell 9. Anita 10.Tugala 11.ethan rhod 12.jembatanguntung 13.Irfan 14.To Mangkasara 15.poeds.luragung 16.mayasaritanjung 17.ipangsan 18.danironniem 19.bungjamil 20.inspiring quran | 21.yudie-boegel 22.anjar-kluwut 23.blogging-style 24.bayulebond 25.hengky-kik 26.musisiclass1 27.adarossyat 28.upex 29.puisiabdullah 30.pcgametis 31.wanitaindonesia-ifs 32.jezz01 33.dhanaarsega 34.burhansae4u 35.atnancliquers 36.huyuh 37.mukti-blog 38.wilujengsumpingtomyblog 39.faisalaji 40.yunchun-miracle |
If you do not mind the article and the sequence should be a blog created as below. And refers to the division award rules
1. Sharing Yuk 2. RifkyMedia
3. ALL IN "tUmbUh"
4. Taekwondo Indonesia
5.Skivacations Tour
10.BLOG SulthanYusuf ™
And the next award recipient has to put these links in your blog or article:
The rule: before you put the links, you must remove the participant number 1 from the list. So that all participants up 1 level. Number 2 become number 1, number 3 becomes 2, and so on. Then enter your link at the bottom (number 10). But do not forget, you all must be fair in the running. If any award recipient is able to give awards to 5 people and they all do it, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained is 1,953,125. So, please copy and paste it, and remove the participant number 1 and add a link blog / website you are in a position to 10. Remember, you have to start from 10th position for maximum results. Because if you are in position 1, then the link you will be lost when there are blogs on the 10th position.
When you're in position 10, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, the number of backlinks = 5
Position 8, the number of backlinks = 25
Position 7, the number of backlinks = 125
Position 6, the number of backlinks = 625
Position 5, the number of backlinks = 3.125
Position 4, the number of backlinks = 15.625
Position 3, the number of backlinks = 78.125
Position 2, the number of backlinks = 390.625
Position 1, the number of backlinks = 1,953,125
And all of them use keywords that you want. From the SEO you've got 1,953,125 backlinks and their side effects if the visitor of the downline website you clicked the link, you also get extra traffic.
There are many ways to increase your backlinks blog, but it is also a good way.
Please forward this award ....
makasih awardnya bang sultan, ane bawa pulang yah, walaupun ane belom tahu tentang award
thanks ya awardnya :)
wahhh...banyak banget nih awardnya....
makasih ya sob..!!!
sebuah penghargaan sudah saya dapat dari sahabat ku di samarinda tanks buat sulthan Yusuf atas pemberianya semoga itu hadiah saya juga di tahun baru 2010 :D kiriman award kang yusuf bisa dilihat disini
waaaaaaaaa....da lg nih award nya bagaimana ngambilna bnyak bgt...makasih sahabtku
Keren sob makasih Award nya....sukses selalu untkmu sobat
Sama dengan yang Lain "makasih bro Awardnya" Sukses buat lo.
thanks banget sebelumnya, udah dapet 2 award nih aq, hehehehe :))
Makasih sobat...
waw....... awardnya byk bgt, aku jg kebagian, makasih sobat....
trims sob awardnya.... aq ambil yaw... semoga persahabatan sesama rekan blogger makin solid aja....:)
tengkyu sam...langsung tak gendong kie...
Ha hay... Selamat Tahun Baru sobat.... smoga kedepannya tambah solid......
Thanks Sob ...
award akhir tahun yang 3 ...
semoga tetep semangat !!!
terima kasih banyak atas award'nya...
semoga blog'nya makin sukses....
makasih awardnya kawan..
nanti dibuatin postingannya.
Wah..makasi ya awardnya..ane bawa pulang juga bingung caranya
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