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Greetings, everyone! Wow, lately I've been in rough days...while making sure to write something in this blog, I'm ended up stuck to finish my current jobs But, here comes something cool... Here is the award, and hereby I deeply thank to Taekwondo Indonesia, who's kindly gave me this precious thing (thanx dear!) Sure it stimulates me to create more posts! But before, I want to state "How to accept this award":
♣ must thank the person who give you this award
♣ display the award logo
♣ nominates up to 9 bloggers that make you feel comfy and warm inside
♣ link to your nominees
♣ let them know they have nominated by tagging or commenting I'll give this memento to my pals... some to motivate them to be more spirite in their blog...and some to really appreciate them that their blog inspired me so much .
Ok, here they are:
~ Techno | Blog
~ Be Creative Dare To Be Different
~ Beton Wolke
~ Blood Rayne
~ ski vacations
Terima kasih Sobat awardnya...
Happy blogging
tks ya sobat,,, sangat membantu skali dlm perjalan blog saya,,, happy blogging...
terima kasih untuk sobatku sulthan yang udah ngasih award buat aku, sukses buat kamu sobat....
terima kasih buat awardnya sobat,sukses selalu buat kamu
@lina@happy family: sama2 mbak :)
@Adhy : semoga blog nya makin berjaya
@poterpoenya : sukses buatmu jg sob :)
@Hery : sukses buatmu jg sob :)
Tks sob atas apresiasinya. Smoga blog sulthan smakin maju dalam memberikan pencerahan2 di dunia IT
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